Saturday, October 20, 2012

8 Months

At 8 months, Sam:

*really likes to show people his tongue.
*is very sporadic in his napping.  One day he will only sleep 25 minutes and the next day it will be 4 hours.  We haven’t figured out any sort of pattern to his daytime sleeping habits.
*still does an awesome job of sleeping at night.  He usually sleeps from 7:30 or 8pm until 5 or 6am.
*has two bottom teeth.
*likes to be the center of attention.
*likes things with a predictable pattern.  He likes to be tickled on the count of three.  He likes to play “eyes, nose, mouth, kiss!”  When we read “Five Little Monkeys” he looks up to watch Mama or Dad shaking their finger when the doctor says, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” 
*likes to play peek-a-boo.
*started turning the pages for us when we read him books.  
*is a big fan of Mabel, car rides, the outdoors, books, walks and being out and about on the town
*sits up pretty well, but still falls over occasionally.
*rolls all around and spins around on his belly.
*painted his first picture.
*brought home his first craft project from daycare (a mini-pumpkin that Tara helped him color.)
*is much more interested in things if they are not toys. 
*is an awesome little eater.  He just opens right up and will eat anything you give him. 
*thinks his daddy is really funny. 
*likes to play with (and attempt to destroy)  his mama’s hair and glasses. 
*is a weird mixture of a tiny little boy and a giant baby.  Sometimes I look at him and just can’t believe how big he is and other times (especially when Brian is holding him) he still looks so tiny and baby-like.

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