Thursday, May 3, 2012

Yard Stuff

The pretty little yellow flowers that my mama so generously shared with me are abloom!

And so are the peonies!  Peonies are my favorite flowers and I have had to be so patient as I waited for these to bloom.  They are transplants from my first li'l  house and from my friend Margaret.  This is their third summer at this house and two of the three bushes decided this would be their year to flower. 

If you look closely at the photo above, it looks like Mabel had a poop fest.  But really, we just had our yard aerated.  I tried to take a picture of the guy doing the aeration, but I felt sort of weird doing it (I didn't want him to see me taking his picture), so the only photo that I got was from afar and you couldn't really see what he was doing.

Our "spring crop" garden is getting ready for harvest.  I didn't get a chance to take any photos yet (hence the second yellow flower photo), but the leaf lettuce is just about ready to meet our dinner table.  Spinach and radishes aren't far behind.  Yay for food from our own yard!

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